Peel 1 vegetable onion and 1 clove of garlic and chop both finely. Clean 1 red chilli pepper, cut lengthwise in half, remove seeds, wash and chop finely. Wash 1 stick of lemon grass, remove the top and outer leaves, chop the rest. Peel 30 g fresh turmeric and cut into slices. Heat 2 tablespoons sesame oil in a frying pan. Steam the prepared ingredients and 1 tsp.
coriander seeds in it over medium heat and add just under 100 ml water. 1⁄2 Stir in tsp. cumin, some salt and pepper. Simmer for 8-10 minutes until the liquid is almost overcooked. Puree finely in a narrow vessel, then immediately pour into a hot-rinsed glass (approx. 200 ml). Close and let cool off.