The practical tips for really every tricky situation have certainly saved the day for all of us. There are also numerous hacks for the kitchen that won't make you a better cook, but will certainly make your everyday life easier. Tricks & Foodhacks are always welcome in the kitchen and they make your work easier and help you to keep track in the kitchen jungle. The right preparation time, the ideal use of food, the use of individual ingredients in the kitchen - how do I do it? Is a simple knife enough or do I need the whole kitchen appliance? Which ingredients do I need? Do I perhaps already have them in my cupboard at home? All questions you will find answers to in this category. For every matter in the kitchen, there is at least one helpful trick or food chopper that will make you want more. Get an overview of the possibilities, romp around in your kitchen and have fun!
Sustainable Cooking - Kohlrabi Leaves, Carrot Greens And Co. Are Edible
Unnecessarily, kohlrabi leaves, carrot greens and the like always end up in the garbage. Many peopl...