
Those who want to lose weight quickly find themselves in a jumble of instructions when searching for a suitable diet. From the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet to the Dukan Diet to the Weight Watchers, there are all kinds of diets with their own methods and tips. In a low-fat diet, for example, the superfluous kilos are supposed to disappear through low-fat cooking. Here you can find out what the low-fat diet means in everyday life and whether it can work with this diet to effectively save calories.

These 5 Superfoods Stimulate The Digestion

There are many factors that can have a negative effect on the digestive tract. In order to do somet...

Body Fat Percentage: How Much Body Fat Is Ideal?

Body fat is dependent on many factors: So you calculate your body fat percentage and reduce it. Wit...

Intuitive Eating: Without Diet To Feel Good Weight

Careful and healthy weight loss without a diet - that is the goal of intuitive eating. But how do y...

Interval Fasting: Remove Easily By Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting kills your pounds: Almost no matter what else you eat - with interval fasting ...

Maintain Fasting: With These Tips It Works

Lent has returned and many are taking the opportunity to either abstain from food completely for a ...

Low Carb Alternatives To Bread, Pasta And Rice

Those who eat low carb have to give up a lot? Wrong! All it takes is a little creativity and you wo...

The Top 5 Foods Against Abdominal Fat

Too much belly fat not only looks unsightly, it is also unhealthy. Koch-Mit shows how certain foods...

Lose Weight Effectively: 10 Tricks That Save 100 Calories

Which slimming tricks really work?Want to bet that you can lose your most stubborn pounds without a...

Preventing Ravenous Appetite: Ten Tips Against Overeating

Lose weight with candy? You bet!He's one of the biggest enemies of any diet: the craving. Often, af...

Radical Fasting: How Abstinence From Food Changes Our Brain

Lent has begun. Some people are trying to eat healthier food - for example by abstaining from anima...