Scald peaches with boiling water and remove the skin. Stone peaches. Weigh 1400 g flesh and cut into small pieces. Coarsely chop pistachios
Mix peaches, citric acid and jam sugar in a large pot and bring to the boil while stirring over high heat. Then let it boil thoroughly for at least 3 minutes while stirring constantly. Stir in the pistachios
Pour the jam immediately into prepared twist-off jars. Close and turn upside down. Let the jam cool completely
Whole without sugar
If you want to save calories with homemade diabetic jam, you should take "Gelfix Super 3:1". Because you can prepare it with liquid sweetener instead of fruit sugar. Diabetic jam has an extra high fruit content, but does not keep as long as normal sweetened
Especially broken glasses should be used up quickly. Therefore it is practical to fill this jam into smaller glasses