Separate the egg. Mix egg yolk and milk in a pot, bring to the boil. Beat egg whites until stiff. Take the pot off the stove. Stir in pudding powder and continue stirring vigorously with a whisk for about 1 minute. Immediately fold in the beaten egg white and 3 tbsp. brittle
Pudding in 4 cold rinsed moulds (à ca
150 ml content) and allow to cool
Drain the tangerines, collect the juice. Peel grapefruits or oranges including the white skin. Cut out the fillets between the parting skins, collect the juice. Stir smooth with starch
Bring tangerine juice and vanilla sugar to the boil. Bind with mixed starch. Add fruit. Leave to cool. Turn pudding out onto plates. Add fruits and
Arrange 1 tablespoon brittle