Roast the almonds in a pan without fat until golden brown. Take them out and let them cool down. Whisk eggs, egg yolks and 75 g sugar on a hot water bath for about 10 minutes until thick and creamy. Stir in liqueur bit by bit. Whip the cream until cold.
Whip cream until stiff. Stir crème fraiche and cream into the cream. Fold in the almonds. Rinse a box form (3/4 litre capacity) with cold water. Pour in the cream and leave to set overnight in the freezer. Defrost the berries for about 30 minutes. Carve the vanilla pod, scrape out the pulp. Put 3/4 of the berries, 50 g sugar, vanilla pulp and pod in a pot and bring to the boil. Let simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the pod and pass the berry sauce through a sieve.
Carve the vanilla pod, scrape out the pulp. Put 3/4 of the berries, 50 g sugar, vanilla pulp and pod in a pot and bring to the boil. Let simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove the pod and pass the berry sauce through a sieve. Stir in remaining berries. Dip the box form briefly in hot water, turn it over on a board and cut it into 8 slices. Serve with the berry sauce and decorate with lemon balm