Boil up plenty of salted water for the pasta. For the sauce, peel and chop the onions and garlic. Rinse anchovies, dab dry and chop finely. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Fry the onions, garlic and anchovies in it. Add tomatoes and juice and mash with a wooden spoon. 1⁄4 Pour on l water and bring to the boil. Add herbs and simmer the sauce open for 5-10 minutes.
Cook the pasta in salted water according to the instructions on the packet. Clean and wash the zucchini and peppers and cut them into small cubes. Wash basil, pluck off leaves and chop. Fold in diced vegetables and olives, simmer for another 3 minutes.
Season sauce with salt, pepper and a little sugar. Drain the pasta and put it back into the pot. Mix with sauce and basil. Rub Parmesan cheese over it.