Orange Crème Caramel.

Harley Romero
5 1
105 mins
105 mins


Servings: 6
  • 2 untreated oranges
  • 270 g Sugar
  • 3 Eggs (size M)
  • 6 Egg Yolk
  • 2 (200 g each) Cup of whipped cream
  • 350 ml Milk
  • 7-10 Tbsp Lemon balm
  • 7-10 Tbsp Grease


  1. 1

    Wash an orange thoroughly, dab dry and finely grate the peel. Squeeze 1/2 orange. Caramelise 150 g sugar in a pot until golden brown. Deglaze with 2 tablespoons of hot water and orange juice at a time. Keep stirring until the caramel has dissolved.

  2. 2

    Divide the caramel into 6-7 greased, ovenproof moulds (each containing approx. 175 ml). Cool and allow to set. Mix eggs, egg yolk, cream, milk, orange peel and remaining sugar with a whisk. Pour the mixture onto the caramel and place the ramekins in a water bath (e.g. fat pan or large roaster). Leave in the preheated oven (electric cooker: 175°C/ gas: level 2) for about 11/4 hours. Let the crème caramel cool down in the ramekins. Wash the rest of the orange thoroughly as well, dab dry and peel off the peel in fine strips with a julienne nipper. Then peel the orange and the remaining half orange so that the white skin is completely removed. Cut oranges first into slices, then into pieces.

  3. 3

    Leave in the preheated oven (electric cooker: 175°C/ gas: level 2) for about 11/4 hours. Let the crème caramel cool down in the ramekins. Wash the rest of the orange thoroughly as well, dab dry and peel off the peel in fine strips with a julienne nipper. Then peel the orange and the remaining half orange so that the white skin is completely removed. Cut oranges first into slices, then into pieces. Using a sharp knife, remove the caramel cream from the edges of the tin and turn it over onto plates. Spread the orange pieces around it and serve decorated with orange julienne and lemon balm leaves

Nutrition Facts

480 kcal
46 g
28 g
10 g

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