Drink more: 5 tricks to increase your water consumption

Drinking water is healthy - everyone knows that. Nevertheless, most people drink too little. We give you tips on how you can drink more and get your fluid intake under control.

On average, the human body loses about 2.5 litres of water a day through sweating. Of course, this depends on how much physical activity you do. As a rule of thumb, the daily amount of water you consume should be around 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 60 kilos, you should consume at least 1.8 - or even better 2 litres - of fluid in the form of water or tea. We have tricks for you to drink more every day.

Imagine a water reducer
Most people can hardly survive without their smartphone these days. If you've had the device near you all day, you can conveniently set a reminder for your regular water consumption. There are now several special apps that automatically remind you to drink.

Drink more with homemade lemonades
If you get bored of the eternal drinking of water, you can motivate yourself to drink more with delicious homemade lemonades. They have much less sugar than bought soft drinks and look nice on top of that.

Always have water near you
When you feel thirsty, there is already a lack of water in your body. It is therefore healthier to drink water throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty. Unfortunately, without thirst it is often difficult to think about a regular water supply, especially when you have a stressful day at the office. So make sure that you always have something to drink near you. Make it a habit to first drink a large glass of water when you get up and to put a bottle at your desk as soon as you arrive at the office. Even with a nice drinking bottle, which you always carry with you, it is easier to "drink more".

If you motivate friends and staff to join your drinking project, you can motivate each other and remind them to stay on the ball. Drinking games like beer pong also work with water, by the way!