Plum Marzipan Hearts

Rachel Vazquez
4 1
75 mins
75 mins


Servings: 54
  • 150 g semi-soft dried plums
  • 100 ml red port wine
  • 250 g Marzipan raw mass
  • 1 Pallet dark heart half-shells (54 pieces)
  • 150 g Dark chocolate coating
  • 7-10 Tbsp Icing sugar
  • 1 Disposable piping bag
  • 54 Chocolate sleeves


  1. 1

    Cut plums roughly into pieces, put them in a small pot with port wine and bring to the boil. Remove from the stove and let it cool off covered. Puree the plums in the port wine. Grate 200 g marzipan and stir with the plum puree until creamy. Pour the mixture into a piping bag with a medium-sized perforated spout.

  2. 2

    Pour plum marzipan cream almost to the brim into the hearts (possibly smooth it down a little). Leave to dry overnight at room temperature. Roll out the rest of the marzipan thinly on a little icing sugar and cut out small stars and hearts with mini cutters. Also leave to dry overnight. The next day, roughly chop the chocolate coating and melt it in a hot water bath. Let the chocolate coating cool down, warm it up again slightly and fill it into a disposable piping bag. Cut off a small corner and seal the hearts with the couverture. Decorate the hearts with marzipan stars and hearts and chill for about 30 minutes. Put the hearts in chocolate cuffs.

  3. 3

    The next day, roughly chop the chocolate coating and melt it in a hot water bath. Let the chocolate coating cool down, warm it up again slightly and fill it into a disposable piping bag. Cut off a small corner and seal the hearts with the couverture. Decorate the hearts with marzipan stars and hearts and chill for about 30 minutes. Put the hearts in chocolate cuffs. Store in a cool place

Nutrition Facts

60 kcal
6 g
3 g
1 g

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