Goose with pear-balsamico sauce and napkin dumplings

Janie Gentry
3 1
180 mins
180 mins


Servings: 5
  • 6 Pears (about 150 g each)
  • 6 Onions
  • 7-10 Tbsp Cinnamon
  • 7-10 Tbsp Marjoram
  • 1 (approx. 4 kg) ready-to-fry goose
  • 7-10 Tbsp Salt
  • 8 Bread rolls from the previous day
  • 600 ml Milk
  • 4 Eggs (size M)
  • 4 Egg yolk (size M)
  • 7-10 Tbsp grated nutmeg
  • 1 kg Brussels sprouts
  • 50 g streaky smoked bacon
  • 1 glass (400 ml) Goose or poultry stock
  • 1 TABLESPOON Cornstarch
  • 3 TABLESPOONS Balsamic vinegar (Italian mustard vinegar)
  • 7-10 Tbsp Parsley and cranberries
  • 7-10 Tbsp Aluminium and cling film


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    Cut the pears into medium-sized pieces, except for 2 for the sauce. Peel the onions, except for 1 for the Brussels sprouts, and cut into large pieces. Mix pears and onions and season with cinnamon and marjoram. Remove the offal from the goose. Remove excess fat from inside the goose and cut out the fat gland. Wash the goose and pat dry. Fill with the pear and onion mixture and tie up. Place the goose on the fat pan of the oven, pour 1/2 litre of water on it and cook in the preheated oven (electric cooker: 200 °C/ gas: level 3) for 3-3 1/2 hours. From time to time, pour the dripping fat over the goose and brush with salt water. In the meantime, cut rolls into small cubes. Warm the milk slightly and pour it over the diced rolls. Whisk eggs and egg yolk and pour over the rolls. Season with salt and nutmeg, mix carefully and leave to stand for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, clean the Brussels sprouts and carve the stalk crosswise. Cook the sprouts in boiling salted water for 6-8 minutes. Take them out and let them drain. Spread 2 strips of aluminium foil about 30 cm long. Cover with 2 strips of cling film of the same size. Halve the dumpling mixture and spread lengthwise on the 2 foils. Form the dumpling mixture into rolls in cling film and twist the ends together. Wrap dumpling rolls in aluminium foil and twist the ends together. Let the napkin dumplings simmer in boiling salt water for about 20 minutes. In the meantime peel the remaining onion and dice finely. Finely dice the bacon, drain in a pot, add the onion and sauté. Add Brussels sprouts, season with salt and nutmeg and steam for about 10 minutes. Take the goose out of the oven and keep it warm. Drain the fat and deglaze the roast with stock. Pour the stock through a sieve into a pot and bring to the boil. Peel remaining pears, remove core and finely dice the flesh. Stir starch with 1 tablespoon of water until smooth and thicken the stock. Add pear cubes to the sauce and season with balsamic vinegar. Take out the napkin dumplings, drain and remove the foil. Cut the napkin dumplings into slices. Arrange goose with Brussels sprouts, napkin dumplings and some sauce on a plate. Garnish with parsley and cranberries to taste

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    With 6 people:

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    Attention: in the nutritional value calculation 600 g goose fat are deducted!

Nutrition Facts

1040 kcal
67 g
50 g
72 g

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