Cake du grand large

Jennie Fields
very easy
3 5
1 mins
1 mins


Servings: 1
  • 7-10 Tbsp Pour 4 pers
  • 250 g de thon au naturel
  • 200 g of flour + for the mould
  • 1 baking powder sachet
  • 7-10 Tbsp 3 œufs
  • 10 cl de vin blanc sec
  • 15 cl of olive oil
  • 1 oignon
  • 7-10 Tbsp brins d'aneth
  • 100 g de mimolette
  • 40 g d'olives vertes
  • 7-10 Tbsp sel et poivre


  1. 1

    1 Preheat the oven to 200 °C (th 6/7). Peel and slice the onion, brown it in an oiled pan. Grate the mimolette. Cut the olives in half. Drain the tuna. Thinly slice and chop the dill.

  2. 2

    2 Oil and flour a cake tin. In a bowl, mix the flour with the baking powder. Stir in the eggs, then the wine and the remaining oil (approx. 10 cl).

  3. 3

    3 Add the crumbled tuna to the paste, along with the olives and mimolette. Season with salt and pepper. Pour into the cake pan and Bake for 35 minutes. Serve warm or cold, with a green salad for example.