Rum pot

Kelli Murphy
3.8 75


Servings: 1
  • 7-10 Tbsp 54 % rum
  • 7-10 Tbsp Sugar
  • 7-10 Tbsp Fruits according to season and taste


  1. 1

    Before you put on a rum pot, you should think about the following: You need a well cleaned earthenware vessel, which must not have any cracks or fissures. It must have a capacity of about 5 litres. For a rum pot, use only ripe (not overripe) fruits that are flawless. They must be washed and dried thoroughly, so that no water droplets get into the rum pot. In addition, you need sugar and 54% rum to make a rum pot (especially important, as only this rum guarantees the durability of the rum pot).

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    And this is how rum pot is made: For the start, let 500 g fruit with 500 g sugar steep for 30 minutes. Then pour rum over it. It should always be placed finger-wide over the fruits (possibly weight floating fruits with a saucer). In the beginning it can happen that you always have to refill some rum. For the next layer of the rum pot, let 500 g of fruit steep with 250 g of sugar, put it into the rum pot and pour rum over everything. Close the rum pot well with cellophane and keep it in a cool place. The finished rum pot must now soak for about 4 weeks until the fruits have developed their full flavour. At the latest in November the rum pot is ready to serve

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    Rum pot calendar: May, June - 500 g strawberries and raspberries // June, July - 500 g sweet cherries (not pitted), gooseberries, blueberries // July, August - 500 g apricots or peaches (peeled, pitted and halved), sour cherries, blackberries // August, September - 500 g reneclauden or mirabelle plums (pitted and halved) // September, October - 500 g pears (peeled, cut into pieces and without core)

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