Pickled salt lemons Moroccan style

Kerry Mosley
4.4 8
20 mins
20 mins


Servings: 1
  • 4?$? small, thin-skinned organic lemons
  • 5–6 Bay leaves
  • 1 TEASPOON black peppercorns
  • 80 g coarse sea salt
  • 60 ml Olive oil


  1. 1

    Wash 4-5 lemons thoroughly with a sponge under hot water and rub dry. Cut off the top of the lemons, then cut lengthwise crosswise, but do not cut through completely (stop about 1 cm before the stem base). Wash bay leaves and dab dry. Coarsely crush pepper

  2. 2

    Rinse a preserving jar or large glass with twist-off lid with boiling water and drain. Put coarse sea salt into the incisions of the lemons and press the lemons with the bay leaves and peppercorns firmly into the glass. Squeeze the lemons hard to make them juicy. Sprinkle remaining salt in between. Close the jar and leave it in a dark, cool place (possibly a refrigerator) for about 24 hours. Shake in between to dissolve the salt

  3. 3

    Squeeze the remaining lemons. Pour about 150 ml of juice into the glass with the lemons (but not completely full), close the glass again and shake well once more. Open the glass again, pour olive oil on the surface until everything is covered and close it tightly again. Allow to soak in a dark, cool place for 3-4 weeks

  4. 4

    waiting time approx. 22 days

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