Baked chicken filet with pesto crust on vegetable-wheat risotto

Avis Adkins
5 1
50 mins
50 mins


Servings: 4
  • 4 Chicken filets (approx. 160 g each)
  • 7-10 Tbsp Salt
  • 7-10 Tbsp Pepper
  • 1 TABLESPOON Olive oil
  • 2 discs Toast
  • 4 TABLESPOONS red pesto
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 2 TABLESPOONS Butter
  • 250 g Твердая пшеница (Эбли)
  • 500 ml Vegetable broth (instant)
  • 1 Carrot
  • 2 (50 g each) stalks of celery
  • 2 (35 g each) Spring onions
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 75 g grated Parmesan cheese + 4 tablespoons sliced
  • 4 Stem(s) Thyme for garnishing


  1. 1

    Wash the meat, dab dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the meat on each side for about 2 minutes until golden brown. Cut the rind off the toast. Dice the toast coarsely and grind finely in a universal chopper. Remove the meat and let it drip off on kitchen paper. Mix the toast with the pesto and spread on the meat as thick as a finger.

  2. 2

    Cook the chicken in a preheated oven (electric cooker: 175 °C/ convection oven: 150 °C/ gas: level 2) for approx. 8 minutes. Peel onion and garlic and cut into small cubes. Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a saucepan. Sauté the onion, garlic and tender wheat in it for about 4 minutes until translucent. Deglaze with 250 ml broth. Simmer gently for 15-20 minutes over a low heat, stirring occasionally. Gradually add 250 ml stock. In the meantime, peel and wash the carrot and cut it into small cubes. Wash the celery, dab dry and cut into small cubes. Wash spring onions, dab dry and cut diagonally into rings. Quarter the peppers, clean, wash and cut into cubes.

  3. 3

    Gradually add 250 ml stock. In the meantime, peel and wash the carrot and cut it into small cubes. Wash the celery, dab dry and cut into small cubes. Wash spring onions, dab dry and cut diagonally into rings. Quarter the peppers, clean, wash and cut into cubes. Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a saucepan and steam the vegetables for about 8 minutes at low heat until firm to the bite. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add grated Parmesan cheese and vegetables to the risotto. Season risotto with salt and pepper and arrange on preheated plates. Cut the meat diagonally and arrange on the risotto. Sprinkle sliced Parmesan cheese over the risotto and garnish with thyme

  4. 4

    Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a saucepan and steam the vegetables for about 8 minutes at low heat until firm to the bite. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add grated Parmesan cheese and vegetables to the risotto. Season risotto with salt and pepper and arrange on preheated plates. Cut the meat diagonally and arrange on the risotto. Sprinkle sliced Parmesan cheese over the risotto and garnish with thyme

Nutrition Facts

660 kcal
59 g
22 g
56 g

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