Peel onions and cut them into thin rings. Dab the roast dry and season with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Fry the meat for 5-8 minutes. Remove the meat. Put onions into the roasting pan. Deglaze with broth and boil the roast for about 5 minutes
Put the roast back into the roaster, cover and stew for about 2 hours at medium heat. Wash and clean the salad and pluck into pieces. Wash and clean the cucumber and cut into thin slices. Mix vinegar, mustard and honey. Fold in 4 tablespoons of oil. Season vinaigrette with salt and pepper
Remove the roast from the stock and keep it warm. Pour cream into the sauce. Mix flour and 2 tablespoons of water until smooth and stir into the sauce. Simmer for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season the sauce with salt and pepper. Cut the roast into slices and arrange in the roaster. Mix salad and vinaigrette and add