For the bottom, grease a tart mould with lifting bottom (24 cm Ø). Chop the chocolate coating, carefully melt it with coconut oil in a hot water bath, stirring frequently. Put the cornflakes and lady fingers in a freezer bag, seal it.
Roll over with a dough roll until everything is finely crumbled (see page 38). Mix the crumbs with the chocolate coating and press the base and sides evenly into the mould. Chill for at least 1 hour.
For the cream, rinse lemons hot, dab dry and finely grate the peel. Halve the lemons and squeeze. Separate the eggs, chill the egg white. Boil up condensed milk, cream, 15 g butter, 100 g sugar, lemon peel and 1⁄4 l water while stirring.
Mix 150 ml lemon juice and starch until smooth. Remove the pot from the stove. Stir in starch mixture. Bring to the boil again while stirring and simmer for about 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Whisk a total of 6 egg yolks. Stir 1-2 tbsp. hot lemon cream into the egg yolks, then stir the egg yolk mixture into the remaining hot cream.
Spread lemon cream on the crumb base and smooth it down. Leave to cool and chill for about 2 hours.
Shortly before serving, beat the cold egg whites for the meringue until stiff, adding 150 g sugar and 1 pinch of salt. Continue beating until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is shiny.
Finally, stir in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Spread the egg whites loosely on the lemon cream. Brown slightly with a kitchen gas burner, serve immediately.